Consumers: Beware the Ides of March!
Just over 100 days ago, I was being interviewed on Sky News by Eamonn Holmes.
Where 'hot debates' are the order of the day, media companies will brief you to present a balanced view, particularly when you are being interviewed 'solo'.
During the course of the interview, I set out the pros and cons of the impending EU vote, highlighting the one important issue that many were simply not talking about; Consumer Rights.
I have been interviewed by Eamonn before and you quickly realise that he is the master of the script; he a professional inquisitor! Whilst trying to explain the torture that awaited voters, Eamonn became agitated by the array of choices being presented to voters and without ado, he stated: 'that's about as clear as mud Frank'! In those circumstances you either fold on live television, or, you find a route back, to demonstrate that you are not phased by the experience!
My response was simple; of course it was as clear as mud, but then again, these were the choices before the voters. Voters had the choice of finding that many of the Consumer Rights taken for granted would likely disappear, or, by remaining, they would retain those Rights - it was a simple choice between having protections as a counter-balance against corporate behaviour or losing such protections and being open to free market practices; no politician or other commentators were discussing or offering views on National TV, Radio or in the press, on the issues that really affect Consumers in their daily lives.
Needless to say, the shocking EU campaign produced no commentary that offered information or comfort to Consumers; they were ignorant of the importance of this issue at the point of making their choice.
I have waited now for over 100 days to get a glimpse of what life might be like post the referendum result.
The first inkling came when a new organisation 'Leave means Leave', announced that they would be battling for for a complete break from Europe because ‘Consumers and Industry can draw confidence’ from leaving an area that does not work! Aha I thought, at last, the 'Consumer' word has finally come out for some airing! A search as to what they meant by this bold pronouncement inevitably led me into the usual cul-de-sac!
Then, our Prime Minister, after spending the summer in purdah has laid out what appears to be a timetable and the introduction of 'The Great Repeal Bill' which will take us out of the European Union.
Bizarrely, I had a vision; a vision of our Prime Minister, leading her Cabinet in the manner of the famous Delacroix painting, to a greater glory. The problem is that Delacroix's Liberty is climbing over death and destruction, will 'Liberty May' and her Cabinet be oblivious to the unnecessary havoc they are about to unleash? But back to reality; it is clear that she has recognised the monumental task that lays ahead and apparently all EU law, that is Regulation and Directives, currently in force, will be transposed into UK law in early 2019.
No doubt some commentators and politicians cried that all this means little or no change for Consumers; really?
The sting in the tail I think is this: laws will be transposed into UK law, but then the process begins to ditch what is not deemed to be 'competitive' and that means anything which is not Industry friendly, will be subject to a severe watering down or repealed.
In thinking about the potential affect on Consumer Rights, my thoughts turned to one obvious area; air passenger rights. Extensive European Regulation exists in the UK to protect passengers against the practices of some airlines. Once we leave, we will apparently continue to have those rights, but if say your flight delay or cancellation occurs in Greece or Spain, the current Regulation deploys responsibility to the National Enforcement Bodies in those countries. If we are not members of the EU, how can Consumers expect those bodies to enforce their rights when they will no longer EU citizens? Will the UK government create an additional clause that will pass that role onto the UK Civil Aviation Authority?
Insofar as air passenger rights are concerned, 2019 will mark the beginning of the end of those comprehensive rights and indeed for many Consumer Rights for the simple reasons; you are in the government’s sights, this is all about ‘trade', do not be fooled by any 'Consumer' friendly political rhetoric.
Consumer Groups are at this moment in time trying to navigate how to adjust to this 'new reality'; how will they get past the impenetrable Westminster wall to get this newly empowered cohort to mirror the rights you enjoy today? For the present, you had better start thinking about taking out extensive insurance to cover the failures in products - that's if you can get cover or even afford it!
The Shakespearean tragedy that has now befallen our Nation will have an impact on you the Consumer; mud is no longer our problem, we are now the benefactors of a political immaturity that will deliver injustice on a scale not seen before!
Frank Brehany – All Rights Reserved © 2016 (First Published on 10/10/16)